IT Network Support Providers in Northampton

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IT network support Northampton

IT network support Northampton provides computer hardware and software acquisition, telecommunications infrastructure support, and information security for the City of Northampton and its public schools. The department is also responsible for computer training and the official City website.

The IT Services team is staffed by highly qualified IT professionals who are dedicated to helping you with all your technology needs. They can help with everything from troubleshooting and repair, network configuration, and software installations to virus removal and data backups. Our experienced technicians are always ready to assist you and can work around your schedule.

Strengthening Connectivity: IT Network Support in Northampton

With IT requirements continuing to rise, many smaller businesses find that they are unable to keep up with their internal IT teams. They may experience problems that can’t be solved with existing tools and solutions. This is where an IT-managed service provider in Northampton can make a huge difference. Managed service providers can provide network support and business IT consulting, as well as remote help desk, IT consulting, data backup, IT security, cybersecurity, and more.

A community network is a great way for local communities to get high-speed internet at lower rates and better quality than Comcast offers. Several cities and towns in Western Massachusetts have successfully installed and are operating their own municipal networks. The Town of Leverett is an excellent example of a community network that is doing extremely well. Residents of this mostly rural town enjoy 1 gigabit per second (1Gbps) fiber access to their home for about $74 a month. This is a far better price than Comcast’s double and triple-play offerings that come with cable TV and Internet.

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